Navi is dedicated to customers, not carriers. The brand and the design system needed to feel approachable and trustworthy. Wireless can be complex and frustrating and our solution was to set Navi apart as a new brand here to help.

The Navi Logo

Logo: The Navi logo mark is bold and clean, set in all lower case. The concept was to be professional, but not stuffy.

Scruffy: In order to present Navi as a challenger in the wireless industry we created Scruffy as a stand-in for the consumer. Scruffy can show different emotions at different points along the consumers journey, echoing how a customer might be feeling.

Logo and Scruffy
Navi typography styles

Type System
The Navi colors

Type System: Source Serif Pro and Graphik are paired as a classic combination of serif and san-serif, but with a modern and fun style. Large headlines are set in a heavy serif weight to feel friendly and approachable, and smaller type is set in san-serif to be highly readable at smaller sizes.

Color Palette: The color palette starts with the traditional use of black replaced by a dark green and white replaced by cream. The palette is rounded out by unexpected but fun hues of red, mint, yellow and pink. It's a palette that stands out in the mostly conservative wireless industry.

Color Palette
Navi Button styles

Navi icons

Navi form examples

Buttons, Icons and Forms: The Navi design system is built on a responsive 8pt grid translated into relative ems. Most components exist at two sizes, Large and Small, to give additional flexibility. Font Awesome icons are supplemented by custom illustrations. Buttons are pill shaped to appear approachable. UI elements are presented in a clean and clear fashion in order to offer maximum usability.
